Massage Therapy- Types And Health Benefits.

Massage therapy, like other alternative health treatment systems, did not have an easy time getting the respect of people. The reason for this is because the traditional health and medical field generally frown upon alternative systems. So, when something such as massage therapy debuts upon the scene it will usually find people very sceptical of the benefits because the elite powers to behave have not stamped an endorsement upon it. So when can something like massage therapy capture the attention of people in a positive way?

Basically, it all started with word of mouth. When this therapy debuted it came through the physical rehab world with additional endorsements from people in the sports rehab world as well. Yes, massages had been available to people for decades, but the emphasis on these massages was more along the lines of relaxing massages designed to relieve tension.

The current world of this therapy is designed to alleviate legitimately serious physical ailments and injuries. This type of massage therapy is not something that can be learned in a short period of time. It requires a direct and concentrated effort in studying the various skills and techniques needed to master in order to properly do this therapy.

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Since this form of massaging therapy is a relatively recent health field, there were not many people willing to try it when it debuted, but there were some folks who opted to give it a shot. When they went through their sessions and discovered the success rate of this therapy, they endorsed the therapy to others who in turn gave it a try. From this, therapy slowly started to receive credibility in the eyes of people and that allowed it to grow to the industry it is now.

What A Massage Therapist Does.

The massage therapist has quickly become the person more people have decided to visit first when they feel any pain or discomfort that they wish to help alleviate. While a therapist will never completely replace a medical doctor as the number one health practitioner in the world, they do provide a tremendous supplementary health agent that greatly aids people suffering from numerous maladies.

Massage therapy can trace itself back to over three thousand years as it has a tradition in many cultures in both the eastern world and the western world although it is usually believed that the main point of origin was more than likely ancient China. Over that expansive period of time there have been many thousands of such therapists, but to many people still are unfamiliar with what it actually is that a massage therapist actually does.

A decent therapist can help a person overcome all sorts of ailments that fall into any one or a combination of three areas: physical, mental, or emotional. Physical, of course, refers to any number of physical ailments and painful conditions. By undergoing massage therapy, there is great potential for being freed from the pain that an ailment may keep a person the prisoner of. Mental therapy does not refer to dealing with mental illness, but to allowing the person to experience techniques that will physically help improve mental alertness and other different types of mental attributes. Emotional massage therapy is where the therapist will allow the opportunity for massage therapy eliminating tension induced anxiety.

There is really no one who would be unable to benefit from massage therapy and the work of a good massage therapist. People of all ages and walks of life would find great benefit in a therapist. Seek one near you. It really helps in dealing with Ageing Issues.

Aromatherapy Body Massage.

Aromatherapy body massage is the use of aromatherapy’s essential oils, refined first from leaves, berries, flowers or the fruits of different plants, into oils that will improve health and give a feeling of well being. The oils, in combination with the body during massaging, can also ease discomfort from aches and pains. They are used as a single element or in combination to help get specific effects. 

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When you first arrive for your aromatherapy body massage the therapist will discuss with you why you are there and what results you are hoping to accomplish through the procedure. Specific questions will be asked about sleeping habits, diet and overall health. This will allow the therapist to better plan the essential oils that are going to be used during the massage. This preamble usually takes fifteen to twenty minutes. The client sometimes finds this odd but still must understand that without specific information the therapist cannot know which essential oils will be of most benefit to their client.  

Once it is time the therapist will leave for a moment so you can remove your clothing in private. They will return once you are lying on the comfortable padded table covered by a blanket. This blanket is to keep you warm but also to allow you your privacy. A good aromatherapy body massage therapist is very mindful of making their client comfortable. This is especially true in the case of first-timers. Only once you feel ready will the therapist begin but if you are nervous talk to the therapist for a little reassurance. This is something they will be used to. 

To make sure that your aromatherapy body massage provides you with everything you need the therapist will have mixed up a few essential oils to help relax your muscles. They will serve one of two purposes depending on what the client wanted. They will either soothe or stimulate. As well most therapists will have oils set strategically around the room to be inhaled during the massaging process. They will provide similar results to what is used on your skin. The massaging itself will increase blood flow, which in turn increases the oxygen flow. That helps a person feel healthier and more content. 

Full Body Massage & The Benefits.

A full body massage can be an incredibly awesome and relaxing experience. A good therapist can make this a time to forget the things that weigh heavy on our minds and allow the stress to melt away. Taking one hour for yourself can make an incredible difference in how you feel. A full body massage will be ahead to toe relaxing experience with warm oils to make it that much nicer.

The body massage therapist will do their best to reduce the intensity of stress you are feeling. The massaging will improve circulation, ease stiffness and so help you learn how to manage pain. If you were to go in regularly for a full body massage you would notice quickly how much more relaxed you felt. You would likely sleep better. Even those suffering from bouts of insomnia agree that regular massage therapy improves their ability to sleep that night and for many nights after thereby easing the tendency of Anxiety Attacks.

A full body massage will make you feel pampered. It can increase your muscle flexibility especially if you let the therapist know that a little extra stretching will help the way you are feeling. There is nothing wrong if you find that a regular routine of monthly, or weekly, body massage makes you feel healthier and happier. If you can afford it, this can cost you a hundred dollars a session, then it can be a source of stress relief, good for your immune system, almost like a time for meditation. It can keep you healthy, ease pains from injuries, and improve lower back pain.  

Truthfully a full body massage is also a reflection of how human beings need to be touched. This does not mean in a sexual way. But the requirement for contact with another person is very strong instinct and a full body massage does help to satisfy this need even if we do not realize it. 

Hand Massage: Ease Soreness with a Hand Massage.

Have you ever sat in front of your computer, working hard to finish a project that has a tight deadline, only to realize how sore your hands are by the time you are done? Hours on the keyboard, your fingers curled around the mouse, can cause pain and stiffness. A few minutes of some simple hand massage techniques could change all of that. 

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Most techniques have to do with simple movements to ease the soreness. An easy routine for a hand massage begins with rubbing the tendons on the back of the hand. Then continue rubbing in the grooves of the wrists. Squeeze the fingers gently up before holding onto the base of each finger and pulling. This will help to stretch the fingers and release tension. Another good hand massage exercise is to rub the back of the hand firmly. Then squeeze the hand between the palm and fingers. This helps to loosen up the muscles. Your thumbs will do some of the work by performing circular motions, massage, on the back of your fingers, palms and wrists.

The reasons that this hand massage, or any massage for that matter, works is threefold. First it improves circulation. That helps take the soreness out of the muscles. Second, it helps improve flexibility. That makes it easier to move around again. It lets the muscles relax faster then if you just wait until they do it themselves. Thirdly any type of massage releases endorphins. These are the chemicals made by a person’s body to manage pain. They make you feel better. Massage releases more endorphins than normal. This is one of the reasons a person feels so much better after a back massage. 

If you are someone who spends a lot of time using your hands in earning your living, and it does not matter if you are a carpenter, writer, data entry clerk, musician or assembly line worker, you need to take good care of your hands. You do not need to wait until they are sore to give yourself a hand massage. It only takes a few minutes and could make a big difference to your comfort.

Hot Stone Massage: Relax with Hot Stone Massage.

There is an interesting method of massing that comes from Sweden. It is called hot stone massage because it uses a variety of stones to relax a person. The stones are usually made from Basalt, which is a volcanic rock. They are smooth and are heated by being put into water that has an average temperature above a hundred and twenty degrees. The stones, which frequently are round or oval, can be anywhere from pebble size to as big as a few pounds. The smallest ones may sit between the toes while the larger ones will line the abdomen or the back. 

The hot stone massage therapist will gently move these hot rocks along the body of the client. The various weights put pressure at the right points to help ease the muscles. At times the client lies still while the hot stone massage is conducted by doing nothing more than lining areas with the stones. This would include down the spine, in the hands, or on the feet. 


Research has shown us that this hot stone massage was first begun thousands of years ago. Then the stones were placed in thermal pools or heated in whatever was available to the practitioners of the time. Since then it has not changed a great deal. The point still remains and that is to relax and soothe the client by the use of heat and massage.  The heat is known to help keep anxiety from developing and has been shown to lessen the number of panic attacks some people have. 

The hot stone massage is very much like a Swedish massage but with warm stones doing the work. As the stones cool the therapist will replace them with other hot ones. It is the heat from the stones that are doing the work of quickly relaxing the client’s muscles. But if you, the client, find it too hot the right thing to do is tell the therapist and they will adjust it for you. That is why it is essential to be certain that the therapist you choose has experience with this kind of treatment. You do not want to wind up with someone who just started with this particular type of massage. 

Like so many things there is a caution with the type of treatment. The hot stone massage will raise a person’s blood pressure. That means that it is unwise to use it on anyone who has high blood pressure or on any woman who is pregnant. 

Chair Massage: Chair Massage In Overview.

Chair massage unlike the “regular” massage therapy done on a table is a distinct twist on the conventional style of massaging. In getting a massage done on a massage table and having a chair massage, there are quite a number of differences. Yes, in comparison to laying on a table, there would be those persons who feel a higher degree of relaxation sitting in a chair. Often, when sitting in a chair, a specific injury or illness can be more convenient to deal with so people can prefer a chair massage for that purpose, but there is also a deeper design that can be built into a chair.

A chair can be a little more complex than simply getting a massage in a chair. The body positioning in the chair helps the therapist to execute such massage procedures and strategies that can provide the pressure in the fingers for a certain fusion point in relation to the unique body orientation of the person situated at the tree. In fact, in the chair method, the key areas that the massage will be touched on will aim to deal with the basic stresses in the spine, back, deltoids, etc. These different sections of the body are typically a normal source of discomfort and stress for a significant number of persons, so a massage carried out specifically on these areas will be a great aid in eliminating the resultant pain that carries throughout the body.

Yeah, the popularity of massage chairs is so massive that having a massage chair in all types of public areas, hotels and airports is not too surprising. This on its own is a complete testimony to the art and science of chair massage therapy’s efficacy.

Foot Massage: An Overview Of Foot Massage.

Foot massage therapies have lately become very common as more and more individuals are starting to swear by foot massage therapy as a perfect way to relieve pain. While foot massaging does not heal all ailments, the procedure may greatly alleviate muscle discomfort and can provide relief from the discomfort which muscle issues may cause in the foot. 

A person can learn a little bit about some of the bare minimum fundamentals of foot massage and do a little self-therapy on themselves. Usually, a good routine can be found in a number of books or magazines and mimicking the photographs of the routines and following the printed direction will help alleviate some tension. Also, there is number of foot massaging oils on the market that a person could purchase to use for their massaging purposes.

In addition, there are portable mini foot massage devices that many people seem to enjoy. These devices are relatively inexpensive and also very versatile. Furthermore, they are also quite effective which makes them a highly prized item to have in one’s home or even as a gift to someone for the holidays or for their birthday.

Of course, there is always the option of going and making an appointment with a professional licensed massage therapist who is very well versed in the art of massaging. A profession with experience in this area of arts will surely be able to provide the type of knowledge and experience that will provide results that will be of the utmost benefit to those who are having the therapy performed.

Finding a licensed and qualified professional in your area is advised so it would definitely be something that any person experiencing any discomfort or pain in his or her foot might want to give such a professional a phone call.

Spa Massage: Spa Massage Therapists Present Options.

Sometimes trying something a little different might be just what you are looking for. You should consider going to see a spa massage therapist to relieve your aches and pains, to work out that stress or just to relax. It really is something worth considering. A spa massage therapist can offer you many alternatives in massages that allow you to pamper yourself. You know you are a hard worker, haven’t taken a vacation in years, so don’t you deserve to do something nice for yourself once and awhile?

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There are many options to the methods you can get. Many spas will offer therapists who are familiar with massage techniques from around the world. This includes different massaging styles from Thailand, India or Tibet. They can be done alone or with your choice of massage oils. There are massages made especially to deal with injuries. These are known as deep tissue massages and they can relieve the pain while increasing flexibility. 

Most of the spas will offer what is called a couple’s massage. This can be a romantic evening for a couple or just an opportunity for two friends who want a massage but are too shy to go alone. If it is a couple massage the two people will lie on padded tables side by side while the spa massage therapists give each of them a relaxing massage.

There are so many different ones that you can look into, there is even a special massaging system for women who are pregnant. Though many of the spa massage therapists will only conduct a massage on a pregnant woman once they have received a note from her health care provider that says it is okay. 

The one thing to remember when you look at a spa massage treatment is that they are not inexpensive. An hour’s massage can cost around eighty dollars. Depending on exactly what you want and how long you feel like treating yourself can easily spend a couple of hundred dollars. But, aren’t you worth it?


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